TUESDAY from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm FRIDAY from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm
TUESDAY from 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm FRIDAY from 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm
FOREWORDS Inspired by the guidelines provided by CONI, the Taekwondo New Fight company, firmly believing in the social importance that sporting activity plays in putting itself as a remedy against problems such as a sedentary lifestyle and isolation, which increasingly concern the very young, is proposed, with this project , to help create a multi-sport culture in children and to encourage aggregation through sport and play. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT • development of basic motor skills • development of sociability and aggregation through sports practice • development of self-esteem by achieving awareness of one's own abilities • expansion of the sports training offer of schools in the area • acquisition of a multi-sport culture based on respect for rules, companions, teachers and adversaries • first approach to Taekwondo PERSONALThe project will be followed by instructors recognized by CONI and FITA (Italian Taekwondo Federation), with certified experience in education of the age group involved in the project. WHO IS ADDRESSED? The project is completely free on a number of hours to be agreed with the teacher and intended for students of all elementary and middle classes; with differentiated approach and contents, in order to guarantee an intervention appropriate to the abilities and needs of the different age groups. PROJECT ORGANIZATION The intervention will be based on a series of activities that will aim at combining basic motor patterns with specific techniques of the discipline and the development of perceptive-coordinative abilities. The activity organized in two cycles: The first will allow us to stimulate in the student the perceptive sense abilities (visual, acoustic, tactile and kinesthetic) and coordinative (temporal space differentiation, motor combination , reaction-anticipation, sense of rhythm, balance, eye-foot coordination, general dynamic coordination), whose primary purpose will be to stimulate children so that they can develop operational intelligence. In the second cycle instead, the work will be aimed at consolidation of the skills achieved in the first, to the learning of sporting techniques and specifications and the acquisition of sporting behavior. The lessons will be articulated in a playful, varied, multipurpose, participatory form, during interventions of appropriate duration and with significant differentiations according to the various age groups. The intervention will not be finalized to an "enrollment" in the sporting discipline, nor will it present itself as a separate scholastic experience, but will fit into an educational plan aimed at capturing the true social and cultural meanings of sport. In accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Health, the FITA (Italian Taekwondo Federation) and our company are committed to guaranteeing the absolute absence of physical contact between the boys during the lessons, since it is not among the objectives of the project. The Taekwondo will be presented exclusively in its sports form, that promoted by FITA and CONI, which by its nature refuses violence and is subject to strict rules that guarantee total incolu skills of practitioners. Since play-relatedness in physical education responds to the child's primary need for a rewarding and motivating form of activity, the game will always be solicited in all its forms and ways (of invention, of situation, of imitation, of rules etc.) the lessons will focus on this type of activity to develop within each teaching unit, a goal among those established by the GIOCO-SPORT project. TRAINING JOB The spaces made available by the schools that will join the project will be used .The tools and materials used will be made entirely available by the Taekwondo New Fight Sports Society. CLOTHING ALUNNIA pupils will be advised to wear sportswear and gym shoes. CHECK AND EVALUATE Appropriate moments of verification and evaluation will be identified through systematic observation of the motor behavior of the students, always bearing in mind the starting points, the different initial situations, the different rhythms of individual development.
Asd New Fight, CF: 92051280151, Via S.Pellico 4 Villa Cortese (MI). Cell: 3392416632 - 3392326427